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Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update
Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update
What do you think about the draft roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian recommendations?
Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update

The Town of Wake Forest hosted a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) public information meeting Thursday, May 16, at the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre. Wake Forest-area residents are invited to review the draft recommendations presented during the meeting and share their thoughts and opinions.

More Info:
Display Boards & Recommendations - ALL
Vision & Objectives
Demographics - Population & Employment Densities
Existing Conditions - Land Use, Development & Workplace Locations
Traffic Volume, Crashes, Bicycle & Pedestrian Conditions
Recommendations - Bicycle & Pedestrian
Recommendations - Transit
Recommendations - Hotspot Intersections - Part 1
Recommendations - Hotspot Intersections - Part 2
Special Recommendation - One-Way Loop
Recommendations - Roadways
Recommendations - Roadway Sections - Local & Minor Collector Streets
Recommendations - Roadway Sections - Minor Collector Streets
Recommendations - Roadway Sections - Major Collector Streets
Recommendations - Roadway Sections - Major Collector & Arterial Streets
Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update
DRAFT Roadway Recommendations Interactive Map
DRAFT Bicycle & Pedestrian Recommendations Interactive Map

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer